How To Get Site Key And Secret Key From Google reCAPTCHA
In this post, I will guide you on How To Get Site Key And Secret Key From Google reCAPTCHA. Google reCaptcha is a popular service providing anti-abuse security to protect your application.
Secret Key and Site Key can also be called a private key and public key:
- Site Key: Used to display reCAPTCHA on a website.
- Secret Key: Used to authorizes communication between your application backend and the reCAPTCHA server to verify the user’s response.
Steps To Get Site Key And Secret Key From Google reCAPTCHA
1. Go to Google reCAPTCHA About Page.
2. Choose v3 Admin Console.

3. If you have never generated a reCAPTCHA key before, you will be redirected to the key generation page.
If you have generated a reCAPTCHA key before, you will be redirected to the reCAPTCHA dashboard. Here will display the statistics of your past key. And to generate a key, tap the “+” button on the top right.
4. Fill in the information in the form:
- Label: Enter the label to identify the site.
- reCAPTCHA type: Choose the type of reCAPTCHA for this site key.
- reCAPTCHA v3: allows you to verify if an interaction is legitimate without any user interaction.
- reCAPTCHA v2:
- “I’m not a robot” Checkbox.
- Invisible reCAPTCHA badge.
- reCAPTCHA Android.
- Domains: Enter your domain where the keys will be used.
- Owners: By default, it will receive the email address you log in with. If you want to register for more accounts, enter the email addresses you want to specify.
- Terms of Service: Check the box to accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service.
- Send alerts to owners: Check the box to get alerts if Google detects problems with your site.

5. When complete, click the SUBMIT button.
Site Key and Secret Key will be appear as below:

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