How to fix SodiumChachaIetf::decrypt() must be of the type string, boolean returned in Magento 2

When working with Magento 2, you may encounter an error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Magento\Framework\Encryption\Adapter\SodiumChachaIetf::decrypt() must be of the type string, boolean returned in /var/www/magento231/vendor/magento/framework/Encryption/Adapter/SodiumChachaIetf.php:68. So, what causes this error and how can you fix it? In this article, we will explore How to fix SodiumChachaIetf::decrypt() must be of the type string, boolean returned in Magento 2, providing insights into the root cause of the issue and the steps to resolve it.

Understanding the Error Cause: ‘SodiumChachaIetf::decrypt() must be of the type string, boolean returned’ in Magento 2

The cause of this error is often related to the migration process or importing a database from another website. Specifically, the issue arises when the cryptographic key (crypt key) used for encryption and decryption does not match. This situation occurs when you have obtained a database dump from a different Magento instance and are attempting to use it with your current instance. Therefore, in addition to importing the database, you also need to ensure that you have the correct crypt key from the same setup where the database dump originated.

To resolve this error, it is not recommended to modify the core class vendor/magento/framework/Encryption/Adapter/SodiumChachaIetf.php. Instead, you can fix the issue by updating the crypt key in the env.php file.

Solution to fix the error SodiumChachaIetf::decrypt() must be of the type string, boolean returned in Magento 2

To obtain the crypt key from the original project and update it in the new project, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the following file in the original project:
    • For Magento 1: app/etc/local.xml
    • For Magento 2: app/etc/env.php
  2. Locate the section in the file that contains the crypt key. In Magento 1, it will be in the <crypt> tag, and in Magento 2, it will be under the ‘crypt’ configuration. Copy the crypt key value from the original project.
  3. Open the corresponding file in the new project, find the section that contains the crypt key, and replace the existing key with the one copied from the original project. Save the file with the updated crypt key

After updating the crypt key, you will resolve this error.


In conclusion, resolving the error “SodiumChachaIetf::decrypt() must be of the type string, boolean returned” in Magento 2 is crucial to maintaining the proper functioning of Magento. Modifying the core class vendor/magento/framework/Encryption/Adapter/SodiumChachaIetf.php is not recommended, as it can lead to compatibility issues and difficulties in future updates.

Instead, the recommended solution involves updating the crypt key in the env.php file. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can retrieve the crypt key from the original project and update it in the new project. This ensures that the correct key is used for encryption and decryption operations in Magento 2. If you need support, please contact us.

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Callula Huy

Callula is the Marketing Executive at Magetop. With more than 5 years of copywriting under his belt, Callula is into creating valuable content that is straight to the point. Life student. Workaholic. Foreign languages and traveling aficionado.

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