How to Setup Promotions Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

How to Setup Promotions Cart Price Rule in Magento 2 – Using Magento 2 platform, you can create a promotion program with a discount amount to encourage customers to buy more. Today, I will guide you how to create Cart Price Rule, one of the promotion programs in Magento 2 store.

First of all, let’s learn about the definition of Cart Price Rule.

What is the Cart Price Rule?

Cart Price Rule is a special rule with conditions you define in the configuration,that allows your customers to buy a certain product at a discounted price. Store Admins will create a coupon code form Magento configuration and your customers will need to insert the code into the Apply Discount box at checkout. The value of the coupon can be checked on the Order Review.

To create Shopping Cart Price Rule in Magento 2, do the following steps.

To create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

  • Step 1: Create a New Cart Price Rule
  • Step 2: Set the Cart Price Conditions
  • Step 3: Set the Cart Price Actions
  • Step 4: Set the Cart Price Labels
  • Step 5: Apply the Rule

Step 1: Create a New Rule

  • On the Admin Panel, Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rule.
Cart Price Rule
  • Click on Add New Rule and complete 4 tabs: Rule Information, Conditions, Actions, and Label.
New Cart Price Rule 1

New Cart Price Rule 2
  • In the General Information section, set Name for the rule and write some descriptions if need.
  • Enable the rule when Status is Active.
  • Assign the rule to the Website and Customer Group.This promotion is not available for guests who belong to NOT LOGGED IN group or customers who do not log in to their accounts when placing an order.
  • Enable to apply the rule along with the coupon by selecting Specific Coupon option on Coupon field.
    • Insert the Coupon Code that is entered in the checkout process to get the discount. Enable to mark the Use Auto Generation checkbox to publish the multiple coupon codes after saving the rule.
    • Limit the times of using the coupon in the Uses per Coupon and User per Customer. Leave them empty if no limination.
      • Uses per Coupon sets the number of times the coupon code is used.
      • Uses per Customers sets the number of times the coupon code is used by the same customers.
New Cart Price Rule 3
  • If there are many cart price rules at the same time, you should set the active time and priorty to manage them better.
  • Include the rule in RSS Feeds by setting Yes for the Public in RSS Feed.

Step 2: Set the Conditions

  • On the Conditions tab, the statement “If ALL of these conditions are TRUE” appearsThe statement has two bold links “All”and “TRUE” to edit.
    • Click on the ALL link, ALL and ANY options are available.
    • Click on the TRUE link, TRUE and FALSE options are available.
  • Leave the conditions blank if you want to apply for all products
Apply the rule only
  • Click on Add icon to set conditions for the rule:
    • Product attribute combination
    • Product subselection
    • Conditions combination
    • Cart Attribute
Set the Conditions in cart price rule
  • Continue tapping the Add icon and follow these steps again to add as many conditions of the cart price rule as you need
  • If you want to delete any statement, just hit the Delete icon to remove it.

Step 3: Set the Actions

When all conditions are met, the Cart Price Rule applies as all actions you set here.

Pricing Structure Rules
  • In the left panel of the New Catalog Price Rule page, choose Action tab.
  • In the Apply field, set to options:
    • Percent of product price discountThe updated price is calculated by eliminating a percentage of original price. The discount applies for each item of the cart in turn.
    • Fixed amount discountThe discount is a fixed number and the updated price is calculated by subtracting the discount amount. The discount applies for each item of the cart in turn.
    • Fixed amount discount for whole cartTo set the discount for whole cart means the updated price is calculated by subtracting the discount from the cart total.
    • Buy X get Y freeWhen there are X number of items in customer’s cart, they will receive a quantity (Y) for free
  • Enter the Discount Amount with only numbers.

Step 4: Set the Labels

  • Choose Labels tab.
  • Under the Default Label section, insert the text in the Default Rule Label for All Store Views.
  • Under the Store View Specific Labels, set the label for each store view.
Set the Labels

If your store supports multiple languages, the label translation can be set for each view.

Step 5: Apply the Rule

  • Save Rule to finish.
Apply the Rule

Normally, it will take an hour to make the new rule available. In addition, you should test the rule in the right way to ensure that it works properly.

It comes to the end of the tutorials: How to Setup Promotions Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

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Adam Roger

CEO and Founder of Magetop. A friend, a husband and a dad of two children. Adam loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with ecommerce all around the world.

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