8 Factors that make Magento the perfect B2B E-commerce solution

An increasingly common trend is B2B eCommerce. Most B2B companies deal with extensive and complex ordering processes, so robust front-end and back-end systems are essential to the company’s smooth operation.

A seamless and user-friendly e-commerce experience is something that B2B buyers demand as well, as 93% of them choose to make their purchases online. As a Magento store owner, you must be aware of the fundamental operations and proper guidelines to ensure the success of your store. Magento is the best platform for your B2B store’s goals. Magento offers all the critical features required to run a successful B2B eCommerce campaign, making it an excellent choice for both small and large B2B eCommerce businesses.

Here are eight reasons Magento is the perfect B2B e-commerce platform:

The B2B e-commerce platform Magento has a strong reputation for being dependable and scalable. Eight Magento B2B features are listed below that you can use to support your expanding company.

01. Company Accounts:

B2b businesses may find it difficult to control multiple users under a single account. Magento Commerce’s Company Accounts feature offers two solutions to this problem.

It helps you to establish and control business accounts for your clients. As a result, you can provide unique price lists, payment terms, and catalogs for your B2B clients.

The admins of company accounts can also create an unlimited number of users and teams within their company. Additionally, it gives them flexible permissions to manage access to account resources.

Magento helps to ease your company’s workload and frees up your time so you can focus on the economic boom.

02. Shared Catalogs:

Sharing catalogs is an incredible B2B feature that reduces effort and cost while improving efficiency. When a company creates a catalog in Magento as a shared catalog, it allows other companies to access and use the same catalog. You will no longer have to duplicate your efforts and create separate versions of the same product catalog.

Furthermore, Magento’s shared catalogs feature makes all the product information stored available for the entire team to view at any time. Whether you want to improve your B2B e-commerce system or share information, this feature helps you do it efficiently and effectively.

03. Private sales and events:

Events are essential to building your brand awareness when running a B2B eCommerce store open to both business and customers. However, you don’t want your customers to see all the goods and prices in your B2B catalog.

Private Sales and Events in Magento ensures that only certain people can view certain e-commerce content. They ensure the security of your company information while also allowing you to inform potential buyers of special sales and events only they can access. With this convenient feature, you can also engage with potential buyers without worrying about offering information that is not appropriate for public knowledge.

04. B2B Quotes:

It takes a lot of work to quote a standard B2B project. Further complicating factors include citation errors and technical difficulties.

But the suitable info is that you can modernize your quoting process with the aid of Magento. Using Magento Commerce’s Quotes feature, customers can begin negotiating prices from their shopping carts.

You can update the quote from the admin panel and continue to negotiate via email. Additionally, you have the option to fully automate the quote management process by integrating your store with your ERP system.

05. Quick Orders:

The conventional B2B ordering procedure takes a long time. Additionally, it can be extremely taxing for B2-B e-commerce customers who order hundreds of SKUs simultaneously.

To simplify this process, the B2B module of Magento Commerce provides the Quick Orders feature. It lets your customers place orders by directly entering SKUs or bulk-importing them using a CSV file. This enables them to quickly add many SKUs—perhaps hundreds—to their shopping cart.

Once the items are in their cart, they can check out to place their order or start negotiating a price. Thanks to Magento, your customers can easily place significant orders with just a few clicks.

06. Requisition Lists:

Magento’s Requisition List feature enables you to create lists of products that are unavailable. This is useful for any business that has a pool of standard products. For example, your catalog may include many electronic parts like hardware or software products or when you sell complex commodities such as machinery and auto parts.

Requisition Lists in Magento’s B2B module make it easier for you to manage multiple SKUs that are inaccessible to your customers because they are out of stock. 

You can create multiple lists, which combine the data from multiple vendors into one viewable inventory list. Then you can assign a different level of access based on the customer’s profile.

07. Purchase Orders:

Purchase orders are a critical part of any B2B e-commerce system. Purchasing for business relationships is essential to running a B2B store. But not many businesses know how to manage this process effectively.

With Magento, purchase orders are integrated directly into your B2B store, which means that managing them is easy and user-friendly. A purchase order screen in Magento changes quickly and can be printed automatically. 

It simplifies the process of creating purchase orders and invoices while also increasing the efficiency of giving payment information to suppliers and other parties involved in the transaction.

08. AI-powered Personalization:

Personalization is a crucial function for any B2B e-commerce store. The problem increases when you have hundreds or thousands of SKUs and suppliers to cater to.

Magento Commerce’s AI-powered personalization feature gives you more control over the quality of product recommendations than ever before. It’s an essential tool for ensuring that your customers receive the most relevant products and that they will continue returning to your store.

It enables better optimization, user engagement, and additional revenue. You’ll see improved conversion rates and other positive outcomes from this one-of-a-kind screening engine in your B2B store. 


B2B e-commerce doesn’t change the way you do business. It can help you grow faster and increase your sales. A B2B eCommerce store needs to meet all of your needs as a business owner.

Magento has these foundational functionalities and many more to help you achieve your goals. Magento maintenance and support services ensure you can monitor your business and personalize the B2B e-commerce store.

Magento has extensive features that help you run a modern B2B e-commerce system. It meets all your needs as a business owner and offers you the flexibility and scalability needed to manage high-volume wholesale and retail customers effectively. 

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Adam Roger

CEO and Founder of Magetop. A friend, a husband and a dad of two children. Adam loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with ecommerce all around the world.

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