How To Configure Invoice Comments In Magento 2

In this post, I will guide you on How To Configure Invoice Comments In Magento 2. Admin can add comments for customers via invoice.

Invoice is the record for the sales of the e-commerce store so it is very important. Merchants can attach order-related information to their invoices to give them more specific information. This improvement brings many benefits to your e-commerce store.

Steps To Configure Invoice Comments In Magento 2

1. Log in to Admin Panel.

2. On the Admin Panel sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

3. In the left panel, choose SALES > Sales Emails.


4. Expand the Invoice Comments section.

Expand the Invoice Comments section

5. Configuring Invoice Comments.

  • Enabled: Set it to Yes if you want to send the invoice comment email to customers.
  • Invoice Comment Email Sender: Select the email sender of the Invoice Comment Email.
  • Invoice Comment Email Template: Select the template to be sent of the Invoice Comment Email.
  • Invoice Comment Email Template for Guest: Select the template to be sent to the customers that have not registered to your store
  • Send Invoice Comment Email Copy To: Enter the multiple email addresses to whom you want to send an invoice comment email copy. Note: Separate email addresses with a comma.
  • Send Invoice Comments Email Copy Method: Select the copy method you want to send invoice comments email.
    • Bcc (Blind carbon copy).
    • Separate Email.

6. When complete, click Save Config button.

This is the end of the post.

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You can read more useful posts like How To Configure Shipment Comments In Magento 2.

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Aaron LX

Aaron is a passionate writer, crazy about shopping, eCommerce and trends. Besides his outstanding research skills and a positive mind, Aaron eagerly shares his experience with the readers.

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