How To Install A Theme In Magento 2

In this tutorial, I will introduce you about How To Install A Theme In Magento 2.

As you can see, most websites already own a theme for them. It increases the experience when you visit that website. If you own a store website, it is really necessary.

If you are using Magento 2 commercial platform, then the default will have 2 themes you can choose are Blank Theme and Lumia Theme. Magento also has the flexibility to install 3rd party themes

Today I will guide you to install it. The installation is quite easy, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Download a theme

The first thing you need to do is own a theme. You can download it for free or pay from a variety of providers.

Step 2: Unzip a theme

You unzip your theme folder and look for 2 folders, it’s app and pub.

Next, Move them to your Magento store root directory. You can use FileZilla for this operation.

Step 3: Run commands

You run the following commands one after another:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:flush

Step 4: Go to the Admin Panel and apply the new theme

Go to the CONTENT -> Design -> Configuration

Choose Configuration for apply the new theme

Next, Choose Edit in Action row.

choose edit on action row for apply the new theme

Then, You apply the new theme and click Save Configuration.

apply the new theme and save configuration

Testing is your achievement on the store page.

So I have finished the tutorial: How To Install A Theme In Magento 2.

I hope you enjoy it and good luck.

You can refer to the other tutorials: How To Fix Blank Admin Page On Magento 2.3 In Windows and How To Fix PHP Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size.

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Callula Huy

Callula is the Marketing Executive at Magetop. With more than 5 years of copywriting under his belt, Callula is into creating valuable content that is straight to the point. Life student. Workaholic. Foreign languages and traveling aficionado.

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