10 Tips to Thrive in Your eCommerce Business

The eCommerce industry is expected to continue its upward trajectory and exploding growth curves. Not to mention, the industry is highly competitive, exciting, promising as well as intriguing. Every entrepreneur is doing their best to make their business thrive and be on top of the minds of their customers.

Although the growth in this sector is unmatched, it is only promised when the efforts are made in the right direction. To make things easier, here we curate a few critical tips to help the readers move towards eCommerce success. Let’s understand each of them in detail.

1. Take Your Time to Go Live

When you’re an eCommerce business, take enough time to work on your website and other digital avenues. Do not be in a hurry to sell your products. Rather pay enough time and attention to each and every element of your customer journey.

From homepage to checkout session, make sure everything is optimized for the visitor. You can have a Coming Soon page until you’ve worked on something substantial for customers to experience. 

2. Collect Customer Reviews

Having positive word-of-mouth builds a loyal and trustworthy customer base. Nothing works better than marketing that happens with friends and family through positive feedback and advocacy.

Pursue these reviews and exceptional experiences to improve your brand image and reputation. Also, remember, the customer is king. An additional tip here is that you can boost conversions by increasing social proof with Opinew product reviews app.

3. Make User Your Focus Point

One of the biggest challenges faced by eCommerce is its inability to make the customer touch, feel, smell, and see the product firsthand. While there’s no way we can cater to this problem, all we can do is compensate for it in other aspects of business by ensuring competitive prices, enough discounts, and freebies. 

4. Test, Test, and Test

Try to invest your time and focus in testing everything before, during, and post your launch. Test everything keeping in mind the customer and their needs. Moreover, make it a habit to ask ‘why’ behind every element and keep some time margin for A/B testing too.

5. Work in Sync With Social Media

Don’t believe any eCommerce business owner who tells you that his social media is outsourced or is delegated to some marketing PR agency. Social media is like the lifeblood of your eCommerce business. 

It allows you to see your customers’ life with an unfiltered glance to have a clearer view of their lives. Social media is the most important tool to gather valuable customer insight and modify your offerings accordingly.

6. Give Out Your Social Media Contacts 

In continuation with the above tip, once you have all your social media accounts in place, the best move is to incorporate those in your contact details everywhere. On visiting cards, websites, and all emails that are being sent to the clients or customers. 

While it’s okay to have a social media manager figure these things out, it’s a common strategy to put testimonials, follow buttons, and other links in place. 

7. Don’t Forget Mobile Optimization

We are all constantly on our phones or tablets, basically any device that is portable enough to carry. Without being mobile-friendly, you are setting yourself up for irrelevancy in the coming years. 

Your website should be able to load before 7 seconds on mobile, and all the elements like images or banners and other design components should be optimized accordingly.  

8. Get the Best SEO Rank

As eCommerce experiences exploding competition and growth, there is a new business coming up almost every minute. With this level of competition, online search becomes the most important avenue for entrepreneurs to be ranked on. 

Bidding on keywords and getting your SEO right is paramount if you want to procure high sales revenue. SEO will also keep you above your competition for a long time. 

9. Gather and Apply Customer Data

The customer database is something that will come in handy to you in every marketing campaign that you plan in the future. Be it email marketing campaigns, WhatsApp markets, social media marketing, or any other go-to-market campaign.

Relevant customer information will take you heights and blast your sales revenue. If you can identify what a customer is searching for at a particular time and market similar kinds of products via SMS or Email marketing, the chances of selling become manifold. 

Moreover, customer information is also used to build loyalty with them; you can use their date of birth and anniversary dates to offer relevant discounts and make them feel special. 

10. Continue to Overcome and Adapt

Technology trends are ever-evolving. Every second, there’s a new feature or an update that’s being developed to hit the market and improve the digital processes. Moreover, customers’ taste evolves and advances more rapidly than one can think.

The market is highly volatile and variable, and hence, for survival, you need to make customers feel special at every opportunity you get. 

Hopefully, these tips help you gain an insight on how to make your eCommerce business successful and boost your sales while also keeping in mind the customer needs and preferences.

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Adam Roger

CEO and Founder of Magetop. A friend, a husband and a dad of two children. Adam loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with ecommerce all around the world.

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