11 Mistakes Emerging Ecommerce Brands Make and How to Avoid Them

It is not as simple as it appears to run an e-commerce site. To achieve your business goals, you’ll need the right marketing strategy. New businesses frequently make several common e-commerce marketing blunders. To maximize growth and sales without limits, it’s critical to grasp these issues early. 

Competition among websites has become fierce as e-commerce has become the new norm in retail. Common marketing blunders will significantly impact your website, preventing substantial growth in your customer base and revenue.

Follow the below advice to avoid some of the most common marketing mistakes to ensure your company grows.

11 Common Mistakes Emerging Ecommerce Brands Make and How to Avoid Them

1. Not Knowing Your Target Audience

Any good online marketing strategy starts with knowing who your potential customers are. Businesses can use the internet to reach a global audience. Nowadays, everyone is online, and your website could appeal to a broad audience. The foundation of digital marketing is knowing exactly who you’re trying to reach and utilizing all the tools available to bring these specific customers to your store.

If you want to drive as much traffic to your website as possible, you’ll need to be very specific about who your customers are in your marketing efforts. Your content marketing efforts will be much more effective if you have a clear buyer persona. Knowing who your customers are and their wants will help you target them more effectively.

2. Not listening to your team

Your team has been with you from the beginning, and they are knowledgeable about aspects of the business that you may not be aware of or consider. One essential element is listening to your team’s ideas and suggestions for how your brand strategy can be implemented in various ways, especially when they come from an outside perspective.

They can provide clear feedback on your ideas and how you should implement them because they aren’t as emotionally invested in the brand. When conversing with customers, gathering feedback, and determining their wants and needs, your employees are also in the front line.

You should consider their advice if they believe something will attract the general public; you do not, though. They are a commonly under utilized resource in your organization, so make an effort to pay them as much attention as you can.

3. Not focusing on Average Order Value

Your business will likely fail if you build your site around customers and don’t focus on average order value. The average customer order value and the profit margin are two critical numbers for e-commerce businesses.

Your average order value should be what your customers expect from a product and reflect the profit margin you can earn from selling items on your website. For example, if your average order value is $10, the margin costs $8.

There are a few methods to increase the value of your order. You could make specific products, use techniques for combining products, set an order minimum, and focus on upselling on your online store.

4. Using the wrong CMS

If you use the wrong CMS, your users will not be able to complete their orders. The goal for users is to find what they are looking for. And click through the buying process. If your user can’t complete the purchase and instead gets stuck in your checkout process, They’ll probably seek elsewhere after seeing your website.

CMS is critical when building a business on your website because it should allow users to move quickly through the buying process while keeping them engaged with your content. They need a pleasant shopping experience that keeps them coming back again. Shopify is a good SEO-friendly CMS, and many Shopify support services are available in the marketplace to resolve any queries.

5. Bad product descriptions

All your products should have accurate descriptions so customers can decide what they need to purchase. Your reports also need to be enticing because every person on your site falls into a different category of buyers.

Please review all the descriptions and edit them so they are well-organized, informative, attractive, and not too many words. People want information immediately rather than placing an order when trying to sell something online.

6.  Not making brand promises

Brand promises help you ensure that your brand remains consistent with how you are represented in the marketplace. They also help to ensure that you’re always providing what your customers want. If a brand promise is broken, it can negatively impact the business’s reputation.

One of the principal reasons your clients will stay loyal to your brand is because it delivers on its promises consistently, and sticking to brand guidelines helps facilitate this action. If a customer doesn’t have a great experience purchasing from you, they are likely to look elsewhere without hesitation.

7. Mismatching the look of the brand to the product

Your company website should be differentiated from other websites because customers cannot focus. If your brand and product don’t match, you’ll have difficulty attracting new customers. Brand differentiation is about showing people why they should consider your brand over others in the market.

If you’re an online-only business, your website will likely be the only interaction many people will have with you before deciding to buy something. If they aren’t impressed immediately, they’re unlikely to return.

8. Ineffective social media plan

The client and brand are connected via social media. Many e-commerce marketing mistakes can be traced back to poor social media management. If your company does not correctly promote products or engage with customers on social media, Your online sales will decrease.

Social media’s purpose is to increase your business’s internet exposure. This component must be a part of any website marketing plan. Making a mistake in social media might lead to a significant marketing error. Even a straightforward thing like the appropriate e-commerce.

Make sure your social media is professionally managed to avoid website loss. Social media ads can boost your sales significantly.

9. Not thinking about the future

The present is not enough to ensure a sustainable business model, and you need to think about the future and keep a few stocks for the next few years. One of the most common ways e-commerce businesses fail is by going out of business due to a shortage of cash holdings.

You have to keep some cash in hand. If something does not work as planned. For example, you need to store if you plan for an extensive advertising campaign that doesn’t show growth—money to make adjustments or scale back until your business starts working again.

10. Not Analyzing Your Data

E-commerce sites don’t often use innovation to differentiate themselves from the competition. If you don’t analyze your data, it’s easy to get stuck in the same problems. You need to think critically and consider data points.

If your target audience is out of reach, you must scale down or change the product or e-commerce strategy to improve your business. All are essential. The world of online retailing is all about sales and profit growth, so this is an essential factor to consider when you’re trying to start an e-commerce business.

11. Not Being Intentional About Marketing

A product can’t sell itself. This may seem self-evident, but a common marketing blunder is not having a clear strategy in the first place. The only method to view precise outcomes is to create a robust plan. Email marketing, social media, SEO, retargeting, and valuable content should be part of a successful strategy, and this must be done regularly and purposefully.

Ineffective marketing efforts will never yield results as your website will receive little or no traffic or attract the wrong customers. While your company may already have marketing efforts in place, they will not help you achieve your business objectives if they are not carefully planned. Marketing automation and company scaling require a well-planned e-commerce marketing plan.


Creating a successful eCommerce site isn’t easy, but it also isn’t impossible. To start an eCommerce business, you must have a well-thought-out plan to connect with quality Magento website maintenance service providers to improve the performance of your business. Your company’s social media needs to be closely watched so you can make adjustments as needed. Building an online store requires the right set of skills to convert potential customers into profitable customers. You should also invest time in analyzing your data and implementing analytics that will improve the success of your online store.

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Adam Roger

CEO and Founder of Magetop. A friend, a husband and a dad of two children. Adam loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with ecommerce all around the world.

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