Top Javascript Frameworks to use in 2022

JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages around the world. It has become a critical tool in building web apps, mobile apps, and desktop apps. With its rich ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools, it has become very difficult for developers to create scalable applications without it.

It’s also an important part of every front-end developer’s toolkit. But JavaScript has several drawbacks, such as its complexity, verbosity, and lack of type safety. And even though JavaScript can be written in a few lines of code, it takes quite some time before you can see any results — especially if you want to create something useful.

In this Blog, we will discuss some of the best JavaScript frameworks for development in 2022.


Although Google created this javascript framework, the maintenance of AngularJS is still in the hands of the developers’ communit/y including companies and individuals as well. Initially, the purpose behind creating this framework was to help the developers develop web apps. And now, it has been used in over 1 billion lines of code.

AngularJS was originally released in 2009 as an open source project for developing dynamic web pages with a model-view-controller (MVC) structure. This MVC approach allows for easier application development, as it separates the view from the business logic, which allows for better maintainability and testing.

Among all the javascript frameworks, AngualarJS is considered to be the most suitable choice for the development of single-page applications (SPAs). A SPA is an interactive web application that runs on a single HTML page and does not require any additional files to be downloaded on your computer. Instead, all resources are loaded from the server, which results in faster page loads and better search engine optimization (SEO).


Using Chrome’s JavaScript runtime, NodeJS was created to create scalable and fast network apps with ease. Because of its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, the framework is very efficient as well as lightweight. It is an ideal choice for developing real-time apps that are data sensitive and that run across distributed devices.

If you are creating an application that would need high scalability and a great performance then you should start with NodeJS. It includes an extensive package ecosystem with over 2,000 libraries available under an MIT license making it easy to find the right solution for your needs.

Node is written in JavaScript and optimized for writing fast web servers (for example, API gateways). It supports asynchronous operations and concurrency out of the box, making it ideal for scaling web or mobile applications. Node’s event-driven architecture enables the rapid development of scalable applications while its use of streams allows developers to easily build APIs that respond quickly to requests from clients.


Ember.js is a JavaScript framework that makes it easy to build ambitious web applications. It was designed with a focus on developer productivity and integrates with most of the popular JavaScript libraries and tools.

There are several versions of Ember.js available, but the most recent one is Ember 2.0, which was released in December 2018. This version introduces major changes to the framework’s structure and replaces many of its components with new ones. It also comes with a new set of features that make it easier to build apps in this environment than ever before.

Ember 2.0 has been designed to be faster than previous versions and provides an improved developer experience by providing tools like livereload and code reloading, as well as better debugging capabilities through the use of Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDN) support for faster page loads and easier debugging when using frameworks such as jQuery or AngularJS


Meteor.js is a JavaScript framework for building modern real-time apps. It allows you to build scalable, real-time web apps that are responsive and performant, with very little setup or configuration.

Meteor.js is a full-stack JavaScript framework that supports client-side development, including HTML templates, reactive programming, real-time data handling, and integration with RESTful web services.

The Meteor.js framework was developed by the same team behind the MongoDB database as an alternative to frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Django. It’s built on top of Node.js and uses MongoDB for storage.

 It has a flexible architecture, based on the concept of “modularity”. Meteor gives you the basic building blocks you need to build applications quickly and easily. The core package includes an HTTP server, MongoDB database interface, authentication system, and many other common elements for building modern web applications.


ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Facebook, and it’s a popular framework to use in web development today.

ReactJS is very easy to learn, but it’s not necessarily the most powerful tool for building complex apps that need all kinds of features like routing. However, if you just want to build a basic single-page app without any complicated features, ReactJS can help you do that easily.

The idea behind React is that you declaratively define your UI as a set of components in JavaScript, then render them with an efficient virtual DOM diffing system so you don’t need to compare the DOM in real-time.

React’s goal is to build a view layer that improves the developer experience and allows faster development of web applications. React provides a declarative way to define UI components that are then rendered using JSX, the same markup language used by React. This makes it easy to write clean and efficient code, which leads to fewer bugs and better performance.

Final words 

Javascript is one of the most dominant languages in terms of web development. And every javascript framework has its unique use cases, advantages as well as disadvantages, all of which you have to factor in while choosing one. 

You need to carefully go over your project requirements and then look out for the features that any javascript framework provides to meet your demands. Apart from the things mentioned above, you must also consider the learning curve, community support, documentation, complexity, and more. 

I hope this little list would have helped you in choosing the right javascript development framework for your project in 2022. 

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Adam Roger

CEO and Founder of Magetop. A friend, a husband and a dad of two children. Adam loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with ecommerce all around the world.

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