Video Sales Funnels: How to Generate Leads Using Video

Video Sales Funnels: How to Generate Leads Using Video

Funnels – whether you like it or not, they are essential for the growth of your business. Funnels are designed to generate sales and leads. Funnels are usually specific to the business and the audience; however, there is something that is common in marketing funnels. We will understand what is the use of funnels and how we can use them to generate leads. 

How does video sales funnel work?

Video sales funnel is a digital or automated sales system; it can also be said that it is a 24-hour salesperson for your business. Owing to its availability 24 hours it is a great tool for the generation of leads and increases the sales of your business. Sales funnel also helps to keep a track of every element of your business as it is a digital format and the analytics software can gauge the performance of each video. Additionally, according to the performance of the video, it also helps to make changes and improve the overall efficiency of the video funnel. Thus, you should create a professional video that details the products and services of your company. You can make use of various online websites that can help you in video making and a video editor that would help you to make a professional video with no time and low cost. 

How do the video sales funnel work?

Video funnels are usually created to appeal and convert the viewers into customers. They also help to deliver the value to the viewers at the right time and let the buyers go along the journey. Thus, a video is considered as a powerful tool. Below mentioned are some of the advantages in which the video sales funnel can help you to generate leads:

  • More than 1.5 billion people connect to YouTube – It is a perfect channel for the sales funnel. It is considered as one of the leading search engines with monthly active users of more than 2 billion. These many users search for almost all types of content on YouTube. Thus, there is a high possibility that the buyer to whom your business caters is on YouTube.
  • People refer to videos to get answers – It has been observed and analyzed that people prefer to seek answers for the problems that they face with their studies, hobbies, or work. Thus, if you have a solution to sell to these demands, make a series of videos that would help the audience who are looking out for answers for which your video can give a solution. 
  • Search engines such as Google prioritizes videos in their search results – For all the search queries Google shows more than 15% of search results of videos. Thus, an optimized video can help you get reflected on the first page of Google search results. This would help to drive the traffic for your video and also lead generation.
  • The consumption of videos on social media platforms is increasing – These people prefer on-the-go videos; thus, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and others receive billions of video views every day. Thus, social media platforms would help to get greater exposure to your brand. 
  • Videos influence product purchases – Videos make it easier to establish the brand and create awareness among the customers on E-commerce platforms. Currently, there is a rising trend among the millennial population of buying the products and services online after watching the video and understanding the use and benefits of the products and services. 
  • Advertise spend is increasing – The spending on video advertising has increased more than 84%. With increasing competition, it would be the right time to cater to the large base audience. 

How do sales funnels perform?

Video sales funnel are simple to understand and with the intention to generate leads, below mentioned are some of the basic works that would help in lead generation:

  • With the help of search engines, social media platforms, and other sources people would find your content and brand.
  • When you upload and share a series of videos, people would start watching your videos and begin to watch it down the funnel. The audience would associate their problem with your content and would understand how the solution that you are providing is helping them.
  • Once the audience is knowledgeable, they become interested in solving their own problems and they see how your solutions help them in solving their problems. 
  • Depending on the type of campaign that is designed, you can retarget the audience with the remarketing ads that would often lead to conversions. 

How to generate leads with video sales funnel?

Video funnels help the buyer from being unaware of the problem to a solution. At every stage, the video sales funnel should deliver the best content for the right possible outcomes. Following are some of the tips that would help to create meaningful videos for the sales funnel:

  • Identify the funnel traffic source – Creating a funnel usually helps to position the video content and establish the brand on a digital platform. For instance, YouTube is a great source for ToFu engagement. 
  • Fill out the funnel – Funnels are helpful only when they support the buyer’s journey. Thus, you should fill the funnel with relevant videos. Additionally, you should ensure that each video should include a strong call-to-action, links to support content, and brand building. 
  • Be focused on conversions – Today, a business cannot run without sales and leads. You can achieve sales and leads by offering the viewers a video in exchange for an email-id or contact number. You can get the viewers involved by an on-demand demo, online course, or webinar. 
  • Make use of ads to supercharge the funnel – Unless you reach your audience, you can’t convert them into leads. Thus, paid video ads can help you to reach out to your target customers. You should dedicate a budget for advertising on all the digital platforms to bring in more viewers to your videos. Once you receive your traction, you should not stop but think about remarketing the ads and targeting the customers who have not yet become the leads. 
  • Create more videos with details – Videos are getting attention on all platforms. Thus, the videos should show the content that directly speaks about the search query of the viewer. 
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Adam Roger

CEO and Founder of Magetop. A friend, a husband and a dad of two children. Adam loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with ecommerce all around the world.

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